Objectives, Methods and Results

When you’re not happy with the results you’re achieving, it’s time to revisit your objectives and reconsider your methods.

Today, Bill Schmalfeldt was found not guilty of violating a peace order, despite having clearly violated that peace order.

Now, we’ve heard anecdotally that despite the law in MD stating that continuing to contact people, that have put you on notice that they do not wish further contact, is illegal… the law simply isn’t being enforced.  I recall someone being told that if they don’t want to be stalked, they should stay out of Maryland. Sure as fuck no problem for ME, but what out the rest of the Lickspittles?  Well, insanity being defined as continuing to do the same thing, but expecting different results… Lets talk objectives.

So, what are my objectives?

  1. Help end the stalking by Bill Schmalfeldt and similar characters.
  2. Publicize the words and actions of Bill Schmalfeldt, so that when he contacts someone who hasn’t heard of him, a quick Google search will quickly bring them up to speed.
  3. Subject Bill Schmalfeldt to public humiliation.
  4. FUN!

As for #1, until and unless the Maryland courts get serious about enforcing peace orders Bill Schmalfeldt that avenue is a moot point.  Those people targeted should continue to pursue protection, but frankly it’s not worth discussing in public until and unless a judge finally decides to put the hammer down.

As for #2, that objective has been achieved, in spades.  Bill Schmalfeldt is quickly banned wherever he tries to peddle his insanity, to the point where he’ll waste time HERE.

As for #3, that objective has also been achieved, and beaten like a red-headed stepchild.  It’s clear that Bill Schmalfeldt will never recognize his humiliation, but that’s irrelevant.  We’re talking ABOUT him, not TO him.

So, #2 and #3 having been checked off the list, what methods are appropriate towards achieving #1, getting Bill Schmalfelt to cut his stupid shit out? (We’ll address #4, FUN, in a bit!)

First, I believe he should be deprived of feedback.  The opposite of love is not hate, it is INDIFFERENCE.

My modest proposal is that we give Bill Schmalfeldt the opposite of love.

His comments here prove he’s simply focused on trying to creep out his targets.  So, new Method A:  No interaction with Bill Schmalfeldt, no Fisking or other acknowledgement of any of his “creative” output, and no mention of him in public except for extraordinary events such as his incarceration, banning from the Internet, or demise.  Support those victimized by Bill Schmalfeldt by all means, but not in public.

Now, what about #4, FUN?

New Method B: We should continue to plot, scheme, and implement FUN… But on the Sooper Sekrit site, period.

Bill Schmafeldt has convinced himself that he can annoy and harass us.  He’s wrong, but as long as we’re pointing and laughing he’ll keep deluding himself he’s “winning.”

Whatever.  Consider your objectives, and act accordingly.

In a day or two I will be turning comment moderation on.  Comments that don’t conform to Method A will not be approved. Existing comments will remain intact, though I may remove all of Schmafeldt’s bullshit, just to be spiteful.

10 thoughts on “Objectives, Methods and Results

  1. Personally, I disagree with your new Method A. By not engaging him, by not talking about him, by not opposing him, you are conceding the battlefield to him, and in the eyes of a random third party, he will have won. That is unacceptable to me.

    We cannot stop him ourselves – he holds our opinions to be worthless. So we MUST make sure that the rest of the world is warned about him, and their opinion swayed such that he is shunned, ridiculed and ignored wherever he goes. We cannot do this in silence – we must engage the a-hole so that everybody sees his true colors.


    • Dog’s got a point.

      I don’t view Thursday’s farce as him winning, merely the mechanics of law not getting it and falling down on the job.

      Can’t make roaches run without the kitchen lights on.

      Only was I can see the ignore him approach being worthwhile is if it speeds his next violation and finally puts him in the bag.


      • Bill Schmalfeldt won NOTHING in court.

        He risked much, with no possible upside.

        Frankly, what I consider most damaging to him is the phenomenon of his fair-weather friends. Re-following him ONLY AFTER he escapes criminal consequences for his criminal behavior?

        Wow. If he had the tiniest shred of dignity or integrity, he’d divorce himself from his TK friends with extreme prejudice… But, sadly for him, that’s all he’s got.

        Grr. See, YOU got me started again!

        Anyway… The lights are always on, on the Internet.

        I’m still pondering in my sparse free time how to proceed… But consider this: Without Lickspittles, he’s got less than a dozen people who MAY read his tweets, and his written and audio creations which NOBODY partakes of except to document for use against him.

        I keep coming back to: The opposite of love is not hate, it is INDIFFERENCE.

        Liked by 2 people

    • I’m not saying we don’t engage, talk about, or most importantly oppose him.

      I’m saying that the Monkey has decided he loves to dance.

      I’m saying we should, to whatever degree possible, deprive him of that which he loves.

      Bill Schmalfeldt isn’t going to quit harassing people until he’s forced to do so. Calling him names isn’t going to do that. I”m not sure what, if anything, will… But I’m thinking on it, when I have the chance.

      The opposite of love isn’t hate, it’s INDIFFERENCE.

      We no longer need to warn the world at large about Bill Schmalfeldt. It might be worth assembling resources for those harassed by him (contacts for law enforcement in his jurisdiction, etc.) but at this point anyone who can type “Bill Schmalfeldt” into a browser will learn everything they need to know in 2 minutes. If someone’s too stupid or too fanatic a Lib’tard to recognize Bill Schmafeldt for what he is… Fuck ’em, as far as I’m concerned. Opposite of love, again.

      I’ve been very busy IRL, so I’ve not time to flesh out specifics on how I’d choose to deal with Schmafeldt in the future… But I’d suggest you consider what you’d like to achieve, what the various tactics used against Bill Schmafeldt HAVE achieved, and go from there.

      Liked by 1 person

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